Spring seems to be “all white” with the fashionistas. (Said in our best Elmer Fudd voice.) Seriously, all white ensembles are majorly hot this spring. Worn best with [...]
I love food. So, naturally, I wanted the assignment for the first “Haute Fare” post. And, it is only fitting that the first post be about the restaurant where I broke free from my [...]
Now that Rick Grimes is once again cleanly shaven (minus the zombie guts covering his face in the season finale), I have one more reason to love the Walking Dead. Honestly, it really is one of [...]
Welcome and thank you to our inaugural “Haute Guest,” the stunning Kate Merrill! As an anchor/reporter for WBZ TV Channel 4, Kate has become one of the most [...]
Hello Mamas, They say if you buy it, it will come. So I decided to buy lighter coats so spring would come! I still have snow melting around my house. But that didn’t stop me from [...]
We hope this Widow’s Column provides hope, support and a sounding board for anyone who has lost a spouse. We know we’re not alone. We want to hear from you. Share your experiences and [...]
I have a confession; I’ve had writer’s block. I’m barely two months into this gig and I can’t think of anything to write. It’s had me terrified. At least, until last [...]
Wow, what fun we had last night at the “Make a Statement!” event! Watching celebrated Bostonians strut their stuff in duds from Bloomingdales, and of course we loved seeing the [...]
Hello Hauties, Below, you will find a flow chart, which represents the nasty trap that is the wine/internet shopping cycle. Yes, this is what I am doing with my weekends these days. And [...]
Do you see this picture? Do you know what it is? It’s the giant snow mound at the Natick Mall. I know about it because my late husband used to make me pay it an annual visit. One year, [...]