Here at The Haute Life, we love to tell a good “Once Upon A Time” story. You know, those heart-warming fairytales where love triumphs over all and dreams come true. Well, we have a great one for you, only you won’t find our hero and heroine in any storybook. They are living in Miami and sipping a fabulous glass of prosecco (which to make the story sound even more unreal, is only 49 calories per glass)!
Claus and Regina Blohm
Before we go to Miami, we have to do a bit of time traveling. First, we set the dial to 1978 on the exquisite and chic island of Sylt; a gorgeous isle that sits atop the Northern Shore of Germany. People say the fresh Nordic air has healing properties. And with real estate today on the “St. Tropez of Germany” running around $4K to $5K per square foot, that fresh air is pretty swanky.
But, back to 1978, where we find our young hero, Claus Blohm, vacationing in this exclusive land that is suited for the royalty in any fairytale. Claus is busy enjoying all that the beautiful island has to offer. And of course, that includes cocktails.
Young Claus loves champagne. But, one day at the Sylt Bar restaurant someone pours him his future in a glass of a wonderful alternative to traditional bubbles – prosecco. So, Claus continues to visit the pretty little island and continues to enjoy this particular variety of prosecco.
Next, in our story, we skip over the timeline to 2005 in Hamburg, Germany, where our hero Claus is unpacking his boxes in a new lakeside apartment. Claus, who is working in the fashion industry for brands like Fila and designing and producing work wear, has all but given up on love. But, he was about to learn an important lesson from the universe: never give up on love, because when you least expect it, it will find you.
Enter our heroine, the stunning Regina Blohm. Regina, who is also working in the fashion industry for the high-end lingerie brand La Perla, has also moved into the same apartment building. She too is fed up with love.
And then the two meet.
The two neighbors become friends and discover their mutual love for food and wine and Italy. And so, as can happen between friends, the pair fall in love and eventually get married. It was a beautiful wedding in Italy and as Claus tells us, the best day of his life.
Claus and Regina Blohm
But, we’re not at our happy ending just yet. What about the dreams coming true part of our story? Well, as if finding true love wasn’t enough, these two also discover their life’s passion and get to live it together.
During their courtship, Claus cooked dinner for Regina. And to start the evening, he poured her a glass of his favorite sparkling wine. And so, Regina was also sold on the light and refreshing prosecco, which happens to come from Italy, that beautiful country they both love.
In 2010, Claus and Regina Blohm, who are now Miami residents decided to take a chance and do what they love. The couple became distributors when they trademarked the brand in the US, naming the product for the place where it was discovered, SYLTBAR.
The Blohms are the perfect example of living The Haute Life. They’ve found something they love to do, and better yet, they’re doing it together. Claus tells us they enjoy Syltbar so much it’s easy to sell. He says, “It’s easy to promote something you love. Every day we wake up and think about Syltbar. Every day is a holiday” It hasn’t always been an easy road, but, “Once you see and know what you want to achieve, and then receive support, it’s impossible not to become encouraged and ambitious.” Right on Claus.
And so, they lived happily ever after.
Okay, so, now that you know the story of Claus and Regina, we’re going to talk about that prosecco. Because we’ve sampled it, along with their sparkling rose, and we get why they are so passionate about the product! It is perfect!
We first met the Blohms and sipped their premium prosecco on Nantucket, and we’re not sure what’s more perfect, them or their sparkling wine. We feel so lucky that we get to meet so many wonderful people in our travels! The Blohms are no exception.
Regina is not only strikingly beautiful but also incredibly sweet and kind. Claus is like the old friend with whom you can always pick up where you left off as no time has passed. He’s warm and full of enthusiasm. When they’re together, they are one of those classic couples that you know are meant to be together. The best part is you can clearly see they love what they do and love doing it together.
That Bottle!
Everyone with whom we’ve shared SYLTBAR not only comments on the delightful taste but also the gorgeous bottle. The island of Sylt is touched by Midas in a lovely gold embossment. Given their origins in the fashion industry, it’s no wonder you half expect the SYLTBAR bottle to walk down a catwalk. Serious care goes into the packaging of their premium prosecco.
There are only two producers in the world who can make the impressive bottle. Made of thick and heavy glass, production takes a couple of weeks. The embossed logo is introduced during this production. Next, this sexy bottle heads to a second factory, where they use a special fade-resistant paint. Then the chic and sleek bottle makes its way back to the winery where the prosecco is bottled and labeled. From start to finish, it takes 90 to 100 days from when an order is placed to have the product in the US.
Premium Prosecco
Hangovers are the worst- right? And champagne and sparkling wine can often be one of the biggest causes. That’s because many producers add sulfates and sugar, two components that are a recipe for a headache.
SYLTBAR premium prosecco commits neither offense. Produced in Friuli, Italy and made from the Glera grape, at four months, SYLTBAR has a longer secondary fermentation process than other producers. (Most simmer for about three to five weeks.)
This longer fermentation process means more natural fruit sugars flavor the wine. The result? A refreshing, well-balanced, clean, bright, and crisp wine that is naturally produced. And, because no one dumped any sugar into the barrel, a six-ounce glass of the bubbly comes in at only 49 calories!
In fact, Claus and Regina have some serious bragging rights. They took their lovely premium prosecco to the Miami Diabetes Research Center along with 80 other different sparkling wines where they discovered theirs had the lowest sugar content in the mainstream sparkling wine industry.
What’s the flavor profile? White peach, pear, lemon, green apple, and honey enlighten your palate and make you raise your glass to the Blohms!
Sparkling Rose
Made from 100% Merlot grapes, the sparkling rose will cost only 63 calories per glass. Notes of rose, strawberry, lychee, flower rose, and other berries make this sparkling rose delightful!
Did you ever wonder how sparking rose is made? We did. The beautiful merlot wine is put into pressure tanks where the skins are left to soak while under pressure and heat. Eventually, the skins are removed and carbonation is added.
Viola! A fantastic sparkling rose that really should replace mimosas every Sunday morning!
What’s Next?
We’re so excited for Claus and Regina. First of all, given how nice they are and how much devotion they have for their work and each other, we are rooting for them to become a household name. But, with their fantastic product and passion, that’s pretty much a sure bet.
You can find SYLTBAR all across the United States. Use THIS MAP to find a location near you. Can’t wait? Order online. They also have gorgeous gift baskets, which include candles that are made in the US. They are the perfect thank you or congratulations gift.
The Blohms want the consumer to know they can get something different for an excellent value. The quality, presentation, and price point (about $20-$25) are going to ensure SYLTBAR’s success.
Need more proof? In a recent blind taste test against Veuve Clicquot and La Marca Prosecco, SYLTBAR took home the blue ribbon.
As for Claus and Regina, their fairytale is just getting started.
The Haute Life
Thank you to Claus and Regina for sharing their story and to Todd Mazer for his usual stellar photography!