Man, how nice was this Indian summer? We wish it would last just a few more weeks! Summer dresses paired with boots, rocking around in ankle jeans, cold shoulder tops and peep-toe booties. Despite the heat, pumpkin Spice Latte still in hand… ah!
However, The Red Sox are no longer on the field, The Patriots are in the thick of it, and cool temps are creeping into the region. This all points to miserable wind chills blowing around the corner; or as we say here in Boston- Cornah!
Life…… why you gotta be so rude?
The best defense to the winter months is a good and fashionable offense!
Haute Tip: If you are going to brave the sarong skirt– Soul Cycle and self -tanner are in order! If you’re the “who-has-time-for that” type, well, there’s always black tights.
Okay, so she’s rolled her pants into ankle jeans, but this sweatshirt will keep you cozy all winter long. We love the swingy style and shoulder details.
Oh yeah. This model is telling us that laces in your clothes make you a bad ass. Especially, when paired with leather pants. We just hope we don’t have to master that pose to wear this sweater.
Oooo, sexy, yet serious. Enough said.
If you can master the backless bra to wear this gorgeous sweater, a.k.a pasty bra… let us know. Seriously, we are dumbfounded by that thing. A and small B cups, screw the bra and do it 60’s style!
One of our personal Favorites – gorgeous color and fun sleeves! Just don’t forget to accessorize with a Peppermint Mocha Latte in hand. ????
xo The Haute Life