Looking at the adorable and sprightly Shiela Reissfelder, you’d never know she’s known as the “laser lady”. With a name like that, one might think she’s a superhero who shoots lasers from her eyes and fingers with deadly precision. Shiela can’t shoot lasers from her body, and she’s not a superhero. However, she can wield a laser wand like a Jedi Master. With that laser, she can give the gift of confidence to many men and women, which is sort of like a superpower.

You can find Sheila (also known as the laser queen) at The Dr. Russo Cosmetic Center, where she has been for the past 20 years. It’s all of those years of experience that have given Sheila such an outstanding reputation.
Growing up in Dedham, Sheila’s primary role model was her mother. At the age of 12, she watched as her mom went back to school to become an electrologist. It was a fun age and time. The two would daydream about owning their own spa. Eventually, that dream became a reality.
Back then, electrolysis was a tedious process of removing one tiny hair using one hot little electrode at a time. The method cauterized the blood vessel that fed the hair, essentially killing the hair and permanently removing it.
Sheila, looking to improve that process for her and her mother’s clientele, saw an opportunity when Dr. Russo hosted a program on how to get the most out of the laser technology.
Back then, they were using the ruby laser. With its long mechanical arms, and a tubing system and mirrors the machine extracted energy being conducted by an actual ruby. The ruby laser worked on the body and could “stamp” out a small area at a time.
That was 1999. Sheila saw an opportunity to continue her growth as a technician by working with Dr. Russo parttime, and the rest of her time at her and her mother’s spa in Dedham.
Sheila and her mother ran their shop for 25 years. But, five years ago her mother decided she wanted to retire. Within one week of her mother being gone, Sheila decided it wasn’t the same with out her and moved to Dr. Russo’s full time.
In those 25 years, so much has changed in the technology of lasers. Sheila doesn’t think of herself as a superhero, maybe more like a fairy godmother. She calls the laser her magic wand, allowing her to correct things from hair to blood vessels to pigmentation.

So, how does all of this work anyhow? A laser is a spectrum of light, a nanometer that Sheila uses to destroy the target. The following three components give the laser its magic:
- Heat (calculated in Joules)
- Depth (how deep into the tissue the laser travels)
- Speed (how fast the laser penetrates the skin)
As a technician, Sheila uses these three modalities to create a “laser cocktail” to address individual concerns. For example, someone who has spider veins might not have any hair to remove. And Sheila has lots of magic wands she can choose to create this special laser cocktail. Here is a sampling of what is offered at Dr. Russo’s Cosmetic Center.
Laser | Use and Technology |
Traditional Laser (Millisecond) | Uses heat to destroy targets of pigmentation, broken blood vessels, etc. |
Nanosecond withMedlite | Uses a combination of heat and vibration of the laser beam to destroy targets |
Pico Second | Fast penetration of laser destroys the target. |
Lummeca | An IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Used mainly to reduce redness |
YAG Laser | For darker skin tones, penetrates deeper, bypassing the surface of the skin |
Diode Laser | Light energy “sees” uneven skin cells – better for hair removal and lighter skin types. |
Cutera – Lime Light | Multiuse laser for hair, blood vessels, and pigmentation |
Pearl | Fractionated laser treatment for skin resurfacing by treating both the dermis and epidermis |
Sheila reminds us there is a commitment to laser treatments. On average, a person will need 6 to 8 treatments to achieve desired results. Also, downtime depends on the procedure; some lasers may leave just a bit of pinkness for 24 hours, while a more aggressive treatment can have swelling and crusting of pigmentation for up to two weeks. Also, the recovery depends on the individual.

One bonus is that around the two-week mark, the body produces collagen as a result of the treatment. It is somewhat superficial and lasts about 12 weeks.

Sheila started at a time when there weren’t many options. Electrolysis was simply for hair removal. Today, as a laser technician, she’s seen lots of different technologies, some that work and some don’t. An exciting part of her job is seeing how technology keeps changing.
The best part of Sheila’s job? Being able to make small changes that have a significant impact on someone’s life. To Sheila confidence is an important component of true beauty. She’ll always be grateful for her magic wand and the ability to give that gift to the men and women who pass through her door.

To make an appointment with Sheila at Dr. Russo’s Cosmetic Center, Call 617-964-1440