Tips To Save On Heating Bills
Ah, 50 degrees, we’re loving this weather! But, that doesn’t mean you should permanently hang up those parkas and pull out those vests. There’s a chance March might still come in like a lion! Don’t let these on and off again mild temperatures fool you! The nights still get cold, and heat loss within your home can translate into a major loss of money. Here are a few tips to help prevent that precious heat from escaping, so you can save money for better things, like a new summer tote!
Dodge Those Drafts
Drafty doors and windows are a big culprit of those rising energy bills. Be sure to seal any gaps and possibly replace the weather stripping around your doors. Purchase a draft stopper or draft snake. Amazon has dozens of cute door draft stoppers.
If cats aren’t your thing, a rolled up towel will also do the trick!
Clean Your Gutters
Dirty gutters aren’t just unsightly, they can also cause major damage! Does anyone remember the ice dams of 2015? Ugh… no thank you! Clean your gutters so that water can escape and help prevent those nasty and damaging ice dams.
Spin Me Around
Change the direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise. This will push the heat down; remember, heat rises!
Clear The Air
Replace the air filters in your heating system or add self-cleaning permanent ones. This will not only extend the life of the unit but also increase efficiency and reduce the bill. Plus, don’t we all want to breath clean air?
Install A Programmable Thermostat
The US Department of Energy says you can lower your energy bill by 1% for every degree you lower your thermostat. A programmable thermostat is an easy way to ensure the heat won’t be left blasting when you are not home. Program a lower temp for the day and warm things up a bit at night.
Fill In The Gaps
Use caulk to fill in gaps around door frames and window casings where cold air may sneak its way into your home. Walk around your home and inspect windows and doors for any gaps. Walk around on a windy day, and you can simply find them by feeling for drafts.
Chim Chiminey, Chim Chiminey, Chim Chim Cher-Ee!
If you don’t use your fireplace, your chimney might be one of the biggest sources of heat loss, sucking up all of that toasty warm air. You can purchase a chimney balloon for about $50.00.
This device will prevent warm air from escaping and even stop little critters and birds from making your chimney their home!
Try some of these tricks to save money on your heating bill; imported hot cocoa is a better use of your cash. And don’t forget to enjoy these cozy days at home for what they are worth.
Before we know it, we’ll all be in the dog days of another summer.
The Haute Life