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Votiva Feminine Rejuvenation

We are going to get right to the point and be ridiculously blunt in this article. If you suffer from incontinence, pain during sex because of lack of lubrication, lack of sensation because of a loose vagina, inability to climax, or perhaps you just don’t like the way “it” looks, you should know there is now an easy solution, and it does not require surgery. We’re talking about Votiva; an FDA-approved radiofrequency treatment for all of these feminine health issues.

We’ll be honest; we weren’t always so willing to breach this the topic of feminine rejuvenation. But a smart young lady named Nina and the aesthetic experts at Dr. Joseph Russo Cosmetic Center opened our eyes to the importance of making women feel comfortable about discussing feminine health.

The lady part issues we listed are real problems that affect the quality of life for many women. However, because we’ve been conditioned not to talk about said problems, we ignore them. Instead, women turn to Depends (yes adult diapers) to avoid specific activities. Women accept a lackluster or even non-existent sex life. We decided to go outside of our comfort zone to help make women feel comfortable discussing and addressing their feminine health.

Back to that hip chick who helped us to understand why breaking the taboo about feminine health is so essential – Nina.

Nina works with a supporting partner to educate patients on what to expect with Votiva. In a way, she’s made feminine health her mission. Nina agreed to let us interview her not only about Votiva, but also about her experience with the radio-frequency technology. We’ll eventually get to Nina’s experience with Votiva, but first…

Breaking The Taboo

Here’s the thing about Nina – She’s only 30 years old. Why would this young lady, with gorgeous green eyes, glowing skin, and sandy hair need a vaginal rejuvenation treatment? She hasn’t had children, and she is not post-menopausal. There are several reasons why a younger person would want Votiva.

Aesthetic Results – Nina’s generation widely accepts medical aesthetics. At the age of 30, things start to shift. Hormones begin to change, and although not significant, the aging process begins. Like many of her contemporaries, Nina counters these shifts on her face with injectibles. Botox at the age of 30 is preventative, not corrective. The same goes for Votiva. Increasing collagen production could help prevent feminine health issues later in life.

For some younger women, it’s not just aesthetics; it is about comfort. Young women with uncomfortably large labia have spent their lives avoiding wearing bathing suits or activities like spinning. Those women are now turning to Votiva rather than surgery.

Incontinence and Constipation – Nina travels for work. Frequent air travel can leave a body dehydrated and out of whack. Votiva helps in both of these areas.

Breaking the Taboo – Nina’s primary reason for having a Votiva treatment was not only to aid in her ability to let patients know what to expect but also to break the taboo that surrounds feminine health. Women nearly half the age of post-menopausal women opt for Votiva for aesthetic reasons. What is stopping women from receiving the treatment for a life-hindering condition like incontinence or sexual dysfunction?

If someone had a foot that hurt or an arm that didn’t work, they would go to the doctor and get it fixed. A vagina that doesn’t work or hurts? Most women assume it’s their fault and ignore it.

What’s Happening Down There?

Hopefully, pointing out there are medical reasons for feminine health issues will help women seek treatment. Nina gave a clear explanation for why the vagina “stops working.” As we age, hormonal changes (reduced estrogen) cause a decrease in collagen and elastin production. Collagen is not selective about the tissues from which it will deplete; all parts of our body age the same, everything sags, including the vagina.

Hormonal changes also decrease lubrication, which can make sex so painful women withdraw from sexual activity altogether. For women who have had children, not only does the lack of collagen and elastin affect vaginal laxity and sensation, but, there’s that fact that a little person moved through that canal stretching the tissue further, while also decreasing sensitivity. Not exactly good news for married couples.

Women who have had certain types of cancer experience an early departure of estrogen, which then hyper-accelerates this aging process.

Historically, fixing these issues required either hormonal therapy (which causes an increased cancer risk) or surgery (which has a high risk of complications and at least six weeks of no sexual activity and reduced physical activity). With Votiva, a woman can expect just about a week of abstaining from sex and 2-3 days off from rigorous activities. Let’s put it this way; a woman could have the treatment at lunch and return to work without any issues. (Nina did.)

We saw before and after photos of Votiva feminine rejuvenation, and we have to say, we were shocked! Not because we were looking at pictures of vaginas; we were shocked because the results were so dramatic! Votiva is a game-changer for feminine rejuvenation.

So how does this fix-all feminine health magic happen with Votiva?

How Votiva Feminine Rejuvenation Works

When we chatted with Nina, Lori Phoenix, RN, a medical aesthetics nurse, joined the conversation. Lori performs the Votiva treatment at the Dr. Joseph Russo Cosmetic Center. Lori is so cool that she has a bit of a swagger in her walk. Perhaps it’s because she knows she’s one of the best injectors in Massachusetts. Maybe it’s because she knows her combination of kindness and deadpan one-liners make patients feel comfortable. If you think you’re going to feel awkward going and talking to someone about your feminine health, you haven’t met Lori. She has that “je ne sais quoi” that makes her a sought-after aesthetics expert. She’s one of Dr. Russo’s many secret weapons.

Nina, Lori, and The Votiva Machine

Votiva isn’t the first type of non-surgical feminine rejuvenation therapy Lori has seen. But, she tells us it is by far the most effective and with the least amount of downtime. The difference with Votiva is in the delivery of the radiofrequency. Votiva is a bipolar device, which contains the energy between two electrodes. This means 100% of the power is going into the treatment area, which allows for fewer treatments, less time during treatment, and almost instant improvement. There are two different “wands” used in the Votiva feminine rejuvenation. Lori uses the Votiva FractoraV for tissue remodeling on the outside, and FormaV radio frequency for both the outside and inside.

Because of these dual wands, Lori can tailor the treatment to a patient’s specific needs. For example, tightening INSIDE the vaginal canal for pelvic floor issues and laxity; and/or just the OUTSIDE for aesthetics and comfort. Hey, vaginas are all different- right? One woman might need one 20-minute external treatment, while another requires three sessions, with only one external.

Patients may notice an immediate improvement. However, Lori tells us the gold standard for collagen production is after two weeks. Patients will see improvements in laxity and dryness at two to four weeks, as the collagen remodeling continues.

In addition to talking to Lori Phoenix, we were also able to ping some questions to Inmode, the manufacturer of Votiva. They shared some pretty cool facts. Under a microscope, the tissue treated with Votiva showed improved vascularization and increased collagen and elastin. Basically, Votiva reversed the damage done by the aging process and tissue functioned in a much healthier way. Um, hello radiofrequency of youth?

What To Expect From Votiva

Okay, if you’ve read this far, hopefully, you now feel comfortable talking about feminine health. Maybe you’re even curious about Votiva feminine rejuvenation for yourself or someone you love. Just to be clear, these are the issues Votiva addresses:

  • Incontinence
  • Low pelvic floor strength or muscle tone
  • Elasticity
  • Low blood flow
  • Low sensitivity
  • Pain
  • Low level of sexual interest
  • Dryness
  • Aesthetics – discoloration, larger “lady parts,” wrinkles, perineal scarring from childbirth, etc.

These feminine health issues are all qualifiers for Votiva. The FDA says Votiva works for incontinence and sexual dysfunction. It works ladies. How do we know? Let’s get back to Nina once again.

We interviewed Nina about four hours after her first treatment. She returned to the Dr. Russo’s Cosmetic Center ready to give her presentation to potential patients. She didn’t hobble into the office; she strutted in. Now, that’s no downtime.

Because Nina wants women to know how safe and effective Votiva is, she talked openly about the treatment. First, she had the FormaV on the inside and outside. This was slightly uncomfortable in the way that she felt pressure. The micro-needling portion or FracturaV on the outside was far less painful than she expected. If you’ve ever had a Brazilian wax or laser hair removal, you’ve been through worse. Lori did apply a numbing cream, so Nina mostly just felt the heat from the treatment.

After the treatment, she described the sensation as feeling a little bit like a sunburn- hot and itchy. But, that quickly went away and just left the area a little tender to the touch. In all, at that point, Nina rated Votiva as easy peasy.

Because we wanted the real deal, we waited to finish this piece until Nina was six weeks out from her first treatment.

The verdict?

While Nina noticed a visual difference immediately, she saw the most significant change in week four. She felt an immediate increase in lubrication, which had been decreased by an IUD. UTIs from traveling so much for work have disappeared. She’s been so pleased with the results, she is planning on one more external treatment. The one message Nina wants to leave after our interview is if you are constantly thinking about issues with your vagina, talk to someone. Do something about it. ALL of your health matters. You matter.

Nina, we couldn’t agree more.